The best advertising is walk-around advertising.

The best advertising is walk-around advertising.

A *Company Shirt* with the company logo on it is not a uniform.  It is a *Billboard*, a walking billboard.  Which is why so many businesses and companies and huge/massive corporate conglomerates have  their people wearing them.  And why they have made it a *Fashion Statement* for open-sales of shirts, athletic gear, etc..

It works.  It works brilliantly.  When you put a *Billboard* on a a person's shirt, they pass through their day, they are advertising for that company.  And for the company if they give them to their employees, it is a one time *Ad* payment.

Ibis LLC is ready to create special deals and discounts for businesses who place orders either in bulk (best prices) or in small groups of items (good, but not as good as bulk).  Bulk being described as 25 items of a single design (to include a size choice without interrupting the discount) or more.  The larger the order, the greater the discount.

___ to be continued.

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